Project by Veerle Michiels & Jonas Vansteenkiste
From a joint practice, Veerle Michiels & Jonas Vansteenkiste look for context-bound challenges. We start from the opportunities and limitations of a place and engage in a dialogue or search for activation. We are investigating a form that brings an immersive experience for visitors and users. Our intervention always aims at an active dialogue between spectator / user and creation. Veerle and Jonas enter into a dialogue with HANGAR K and make the proposal Botaniek.
Our proposal starts from the "relational aesthetics" of Nicolas Bourriaud in which cultural and social structures in which we live are examined by artists. The artwork 'materializes a relationship to the world'. In the relationships that are evoked in such settings, the participant is detached from usual cultural codes of conduct. Botaniek introduces atypical co-workers, as constructed identities in the form of herbal clusters with a virtual identity such as Valerie Aan and Bie Slook. Just like all other users, these new botanical employees demand their place in the co-workspace. " and regularly contact their colleagues.
In this way a "micro-utopia" is created, which enables employees to find other forms of interaction, commonality and even ways of working. These targeted activities are not intended to overthrow the prevailing logic, but rather to merge or contrast with it
Botaniek: An introduction of creative starters with career opportunities. Co-workers who make the experience tangible and bring us into relation with the world.
Made possible with the partnerschip of Arteconomy.