Hope and responsibility in a crumbling world
Performance by Studio Veerle Michiels and Jonas Van Steenkiste in the .Royal Galleries of Ostend on 29-30/6/2024
In collaboration with Fedasil , KAAP and Mu.ZEE Ostend
In a world where certainties are crumbling and humanism is losing its shine, a disturbing image rises up: a broken Jesus figure, a statue whose hands are missing and whose face has been eaten away by time. This statue, once a symbol of unshakable hope and strength, now lies battered behind the Royal Galleries of Ostend, where it was wheeled in with painful precision, resting on a simple gocart and laid down with a crane. ...
The stone Jesus appears heavy, unmoving, and yet he is set in motion, not only physically, but also in the hearts of those around him.Jesus, The Unmoved Mover, remains a force of hope. Not because of his immovability but precisely because of his ability to move us, to make us think about what really matters. He calls us to look beyond the crumbling, to fill in the gaps with our own hands, and to recognize the open wounds, not as the end, but as the beginning of something new. (2024 Rijana Martinez)