EXHIBITION (selection)
Art-Traces across the Western Front, Poelkapelle-Langemark
Actuele kunst tussen oorlog en vrede, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk
Private Shelter, Free State 0, Raversyde
Warum – ieder zijn oorlog, Zonnebeke
Walk the line, Grenzeloos, Kunstenhuis Harelbeke
Crox 458, Croxhapox, Gent
Walk the line, Big draw, Gent
Front, CC Spoor, Harelbeke
Façade, Netwerk Aalst
The canvascollectie, Bozar Brussel
Mitsein theater / performance project, KASK Gent
Front, sculpture, canvas collection, Oostende
Façade, installatie, Kask, Gent
Zelfportret Label, Gent
Drawings, Gallerie Baradie, Die (FR)
Poza, performance met Martha Ostajevski
Mayday Mayday, Campo,Gent
Tipi Hedren, performance in space of confinement, Benedengallerie, Kortrijk
Mother, performance, gallerie box 38, Oostende
How to save the world in at days, House, photo, Vooruit Gent
Houtzee, performance, Campo, Gent
International Colloquium Skin / Skin / Peau / Hada, SMAK, Gent